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Wanna visit Minamata Virtually?
Maybe, it's time for online visiting!
Virtual Museum Tour
You can visit our museum via ZOOM. We have coodinated more than ten schools for online excursion last year including international groups. The admission fee is different from a "real" visit, so please contact us for details.
Victims' Story Telling
Stories told by victims and their families are eye-openers. Their experience, thoughts, hardship may change your perspectives. The fee for the story teller program is about 200 dollars for a group. Please contact us 2-3 weeks in advance for scheduling.
Minamata Disease Museum / Soshisha
34 Fukuro, Minamata city, Kumamoto pref,
867-0035, Japan
Open: 9:00 - 17:00 (public holiday and Sunday 10:00 - 16:00)
Closed: Saturday
© Soshisha 2016